The {{roomName | stripArticles | uppercase}} is a room. "{{roomDescription | clean | punctuate}}To the {{roomDirection | uppercase}} is the {{otherRoomName | stripArticles | uppercase }}."
The {{otherRoomName | stripArticles | uppercase }} is {{roomDirection | directions}} the {{roomName | stripArticles | uppercase }}.
The {{otherRoomName | stripArticles | uppercase }} is a room.
There is a green key in the {{roomName | stripArticles | uppercase}}. The green key unlocks the painted green door. The description is "This must be the key for the painted green door."
The painted green door is {{roomDirection | directions}} the {{roomName | stripArticles | uppercase}} and {{roomDirection | oppositeDirections}} the {{otherRoomName | stripArticles | uppercase}}. It is a door. It is lockable and locked. "A painted green door stands in the middle of an old brick wall."
Instead of examining the locked painted green door, say "The door is nice, but it is locked. Don't you think you should look for a key?"
{{roomDescription | clean | punctuate}}To the {{roomDirection | uppercase}} is the {{otherRoomName | stripArticles | uppercase }}.
A painted green door stands in the middle of an old brick wall.
You can also see a green key here
>unlock the door with the green key
(first taking the green key)
You unlock the painted green door.
>go {{roomDirection | lowercase}}
(first opening the painted green door)
A painted green door stands in the middle of an old brick wall.
The {{objectLocation | stripArticles | uppercase}} is a room.
{{objectName | uppercase}} is a thing in the {{objectLocation | stripArticles | uppercase }}. The {{objectName | stripArticles}} is here. It is scenery. It is edible. It is a locked an openable container. It is closed. It is open. "{{objectRoomDescription | clean | punctuate}}" The description is "{{objectDescription | clean | punctuate}}"
A random thing is inside the {{objectName | stripArticles}}.
The bronze key is carried by the player. It unlocks the {{objectName | stripArticles}}.
After eating the {{objectName | stripArticles}}:
say "You wish you had another {{objectName | stripArticles}}."
{{objectRoomDescription | punctuate}}
You can see {{objectName}} (closedin which is a random thing) here.
>look at the {{objectName | stripArticles}}
You see nothing special about the {{objectName | stripArticles}}.
{{objectDescription | punctuate}}
In the {{objectName | stripArticles}} is a random thing.
You see nothing special about the {{objectName | stripArticles}}.
>unlock the {{objectName | stripArticles}}
(with the bronze key)
You unlock the {{objectName | stripArticles}}.
>open the {{objectName | stripArticles}}
You open the {{objectName | stripArticles}}, revealing a random thing.
>eat the {{objectName | stripArticles}}
(first taking the {{objectName}})
You wish you had another {{objectName | stripArticles }}.
{{personRoomDescription | punctuate}}
You can see {{personName}} here.
>look at himher
{{personDescription | punctuate}}You see nothing special about {{personName}}.
{{commanding | uppercase}} is an action applying to nothing. Understand "{{command}}" as {{commanding}}.
Instead of {{commanding}}:
say "You {{command}}."
{{commanding | uppercase}} is an action applying to one thing. Understand "{{command}} [{{target}}]" as {{commanding}}.
Instead of {{commanding}}:
say "You try to {{command}} [the noun] but not much happens."
Mr Darcy is here.
>{{command}} Mr Darcy
You try to {{command}} Mr Darcy but not much happens.
A chair is here.
You try to {{command}} the chair but not much happens.
You try to {{command}} but not much happens.
You can see {{personName}} and a {{talkObject | stripArticles}} here.
>ask {{personName}} about {{talkTopic}}
{{personDescription | punctuate}}{{personName}} looks at you and winks.
>ask {{personName}} about something else other than {{talkTopic}}
There is no reply.
>ask {{personName}} about the {{talkObject | stripArticles}}
"I might like that {{talkObject | stripArticles}}."